membranes for microfiltration, ultrafiltracion, nanofiltracion and reverse osmosis - ceramic spiral capillary tubular membrane elements from Atech Innovations GmbH, PCI Membranes Koch Berghof Bürkert Cut Membrane Pentair X-flow Memos Pall Mann Hummel Microdyn-Nadir 3M Membrana Hydranautics DOW Filmtec SUEZ GE, GEA, Membranflow, Inopor, Tami, Oerelis, Synder Filtration, ITM, Bucher Vaslin etc.

HOME              PRODUCTS              ABOUT US              CONTACT             KATMAJ Filtration - membranes & systems for ultra-, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis - tubular capilary spiral membrane elements of producers like PCI membranes koch membranes berghof cut membrane xflow memos etc. KATMAJ Filtration - membranes & systems for ultra-, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis - tubular capilary spiral membrane elements of producers like PCI membranes koch membranes berghof cut membrane xflow memos etc. KATMAJ Filtration - membranes & systems for ultra-, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis - tubular capilary spiral membrane elements of producers like PCI membranes koch membranes berghof cut membrane xflow memos etc. KATMAJ Filtration - membranes & systems for ultra-, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis - tubular capilary spiral membrane elements of producers like PCI membranes koch membranes berghof cut membrane xflow memos etc.

KATMAJ Filtration - membranes for microfiltration, ultrafiltracion, nanofiltracion and reverse osmosis - ceramic spiral capillary tubular membrane elements from Atech Innovations GmbH, PCI Membranes Koch Berghof Bürkert Cut Membrane Pentair X-flow Memos Pall Mann Hummel Microdyn-Nadir 3M Membrana Hydranautics DOW Filmtec SUEZ GE, GEA, Membranflow, Inopor, Tami, Oerelis, Synder Filtration, ITM, Bucher Vaslin etc.
Spiral Elements Capillary Tubular Flat Sheet Membranes ultraviolet systems uv lamps reverse osmosis cross flow membrane systems membrane bio reactor mbr in-out filtration separation
KATMAJ Filtration offers spare parts and service for existing membrane systems, and is supporting in piloting, planning and building of new units.
Spiral Capillary pci membranes memos berghof cut buerkert membrane x-flow koch tubular membranes reverse osmosis ultra nano micro filtration 
To ensure the widest range of products, we are working with the most experienced producers worldwide, if needed, we are able to support customers with engineered-to-order products. For new vessels, stacks and systems we are able to source within East Europe - this ensure highest quality from a low cost region!    
Capillary hollow fiber pci membranes tubular Membrane
housings element ultrafiltration hollow fiber microfiltration nanofiltration reverse osmosis

We offer high quality products that, if necessary, comply with FDA, European Food Regulations, DVGW, WHO, TVO etc. and can also be used in the most pharmaceutical and chemical industry processes (certificates on request)
Spiral Capillary Tubular Membranes GE Dow Filmtec X-Flow Synder Koch Membrane Systems Cut Membrane tami ceramic membranes atech spintec microdyn-nadir  
By not representing only one producer, we are able to choose the optimal product with the best price-performance ratio. Tubular Membrane
Spiral pci membranes Capillary PVDF PES PP Polyamid Polysulfone Polyethersulfone Polypropylene UF NF MF RO Membrane
All products are covered by full warranty of the producer - worldwide.
Spiral Capillary pci membrane Tubular Membrane microdyn-nadir koch atech tami cut membrane synder GE Suez  dow limtec trisep toray zero liquid discharge membrane systems 
The KATMAJ Filtration Team  KATMAJ Filtration

2019 KATMAJ Filtration  -  All rights reserved  -  designed by MJ